Naturresort Schindelbruch
2 Adult
Adult - +
Child - +
19.02.2025 21.02.2025


Sustainable meetings. Create memories. Efficiency at a high level.

At Naturresort & Spa Schindelbruch you will find the perfect concepts for all types of events. For your customers, employees, friends of the company or business partners and suppliers - because an event is more than just an agenda. Here you will find a selection of events from our repertoire. Are you interested?

To the conference enquiry

Kick-offs and annual kick-off events

In a conference room, a writing pad and biros lie on a seminar table with the logo of the Naturresort & Spa Schindelbruch.

Motivated into the new year! Whether analysing the past financial year or looking ahead to the coming year - Naturresort & Spa Schindelbruch offers the ideal setting for inspiring events to kick off the new year and define the right paths with your customers, business partners or employees. With creative concepts, we create an atmosphere in which visions emerge and plans take shape.

Spring conferences

Auf dem Rasen im Hotelgarten stehen Sonnenschirme und Liegestühle für eine Veranstaltung mit dem Hotel im Hintergrund.

A breath of fresh air for your conference: Utilise the power of spring for new ideas and clear strategies. Our nature resort offers you bright rooms and the inspiring surroundings of the southern Harz - the perfect place to make plans blossom.

Autumn conferences

A lunch spot at an event in the middle of the colourful autumn forest in Stolberg harz.

The golden season invites you to pause and focus. Our modern conference rooms and diverse options provide the ideal backdrop for reflecting on the year and planning the next steps together. You can also combine your conference with a motivating incentive at this beautiful, colourful time of year.


A conference room with conference tables in block form and conference drinks on the tables.

Developing new ideas and visions, working out strategies - this works best outside your own premises. Peace, nature and absolute concentration: at Naturresort & Spa Schindelbruch you will find the best conditions for intensive closed meetings. Our retreats, especially the diverse breakout rooms and locations, offer you the peace and quiet you need for strategic decisions and creative work. Simply let your thoughts and ideas run free.

Summer parties and summer events

Elegantly laid tables in the foreground on the terrace of the Jagdhaus Holzeule.

Whether it's a company anniversary, summer party or a relaxed barbecue evening - the Naturresort & Spa Schindelbruch is the perfect place for unforgettable moments in the open air. With our spacious hotel park and the Jagdhaus Holzeule restaurant and the expansive surroundings of the southern Harz Mountains, you will spend unforgettable team moments with high-quality cuisine and bonding team events. Because a conference is more than just the agenda.

Teamevents und Kick-Offs

Eine Outdoor Incentives Aktiviät einer Firma. Die Mitarbeiter machen Tauziehen auf dem sandigen Volleyballfeld.

Get out of the noisy city and into nature! Promote team spirit and take off together: Our customised team events and kick-offs combine fun, nature and inspiration. So that the team grows even closer together. Would you like to thank your team for a great performance? Then take advantage of our wide range of dinner options. From a stylish menu to an impressive gourmet evening.

Christmas parties

Auf einem Tisch mit weißer Tischdecke in einem Konferenzraum steht ein Weinkühler mit Flaschen für eine Veranstaltung.

Lassen Sie das Jahr stimmungsvoll ausklingen. Mit festlichen Menüs, liebevoll dekorierte Räumlichkeiten und das Winterambiente unseres Resorts im verschneiten Südharz. Ganz gleich ob kleine Teams oder große Gesellschaften – wir gestalten Ihre Weihnachtsfeier zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis zum Jahresende.


A room flooded with light through a skylight, furnished with tables for a workshop.

With flexible premises and a variety of room combinations as well as co-working spaces, many small groups also work intensively on creative and inspiring ideas. At Naturresort & Spa Schindelbruch you will find the ideal environment in the countryside to realise your full potential and work productively.

Product presentations and trade fairs

Present your innovations and new products in an exclusive and stylish ambience. Our flexible event rooms and sustainable event concepts offer the perfect setting to perfectly showcase your products and services. Impress your customers and business partners together with us, e.g. at an in-house exhibition. We support you in leaving a lasting impression.